Coffee Shop From Center Stage: A Timeline

7:00 PM – At the moment, St. Michael’s Gym is empty except for a few guys making sure all of the technical stuff is working.  In an hour, the gym will be full and I will be telling all of the jokes, or at least trying to tell all the jokes James Flattery and I finished earlier in the afternoon to the entire student body, not just the guys who are running the mics and lights for the night.  To say I am nervous is an understatement.  I’m not really a funny guy, and I’m particularly bad at improvisation, which I expect this night to require of me.  I have no idea why I was asked to host Coffee Shop, the seminary’s annual night where we get to showcase our wide variety of talents for one another.  But here I am, running through the little intro James and I prepared and worrying about how all of our jokes were going to go over.

7:30 – We’ve practiced a couple times and I figure I’m as ready as I ever will be.  By 7:45, people are starting to walk in and the nerves are only getting worse.  James and I decide to go hide in one of the corners of the stage (I’m wearing a really sweet Hawaiian shirt and I want to surprise everybody with it when I come out…plus I think talking to the other guys will only make me more nervous).

8:00 – The lights are flashing and people are taking their seats…here we go!

8:15 – Wow!  That went really well!  Some of our jokes were received better than others, but I don’t think there were any that really flopped.  The crowd seems really excited for the night to begin and I think the hardest part of James and my job is over.  I’m feeling pretty confident and excited for the show to go on.

9:30 – Intermission.  I think the break is going to be short because we still have quite a few acts to get through.  The first act has been a little rough, with lots of technical difficulties and just some long acts.  They’ve been pretty good, but hopefully the second half will pick up a little bit.

10:00 – The second half of the show is going really well so far and the acts just keep getting better and better.  The last thing James and I really have to do is senior send-off jokes to fill a little time while the votes for the best act are being counted.  I think most of those should go well, and I think everyone is in good enough spirits that I’m not too worried about it.

10:30 – That’s it for Coffee Shop 2016!  It’s been a blast hosting, and honestly I think multiple acts deserved first prize, which is a pretty good problem to have.  Our senior send-off piece went pretty well and Father Brendan closed our night in prayer.  Overall, it’s been a really successful night that hopefully provided the community with a good amount of entertainment and fun!  I have had a blast hosting and I’m grateful to have gotten the opportunity.  The biggest thing I’m feeling right now is gratitude for this incredible and very gifted community that I have the privilege of being a part of.  It’s nights like these that remind me how bright the future of the Church really is!

To check out more photos from Coffee Shop 2016, check out our Facebook page!


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