CSC 2016 Graduates: Tomas Sandoval



Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Home Parish?

St. Monica’s Catholic Church

Future plans after graduation?

Continuing on to theological studies at St. John Vianney in Denver, Colorado.

Favorite Memory from your time at Conception Seminary College?

It is impossible to narrow it down to just one memory… It’s all a beautiful blur!

Favorite course you took at CSC?

The History of America in the 1960s with Dr. Paul Johnson

What will you miss the most CSC?

I will miss the community (my brother seminarians and the monks).

Favorite Sacred Scripture passage?

Psalm 63:2

What did you learn most while at CSC?

I learned the most about what it means to be human.


What ways have you grown as a result of the formation at CSC?

It’s near to impossible to answer this question. How can I sum up four years of formation? The biggest way I have grown as a human person is in the realm of otherness; I have been able to put my (limited) experience of sufferings, struggles, and joys in the context of the whole human experience, thus allowing me to be more compassionate and present to my brothers and sisters around me.

Current reading?

I am reading The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick

Patron Saints?

St. Catherine of Siena, St. John of the Cross, and St. Francis of Assisi

Any words to offer about those that helped in your formation at CSC?

I can’t express enough my gratitude to God for the people that He has placed in my life as my formators. I am a better man (at least, they say I have grown to be a better man) and I know myself now and see myself more clearly through the loving gaze of God because of them and their willingness to work with the Holy Spirit.

Thank you so much for the opportunity you have me to grow in love. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
What is your favorite spiritual reading?
My favorite spiritual reading thus far has been The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena. The Dialogue is my favorite because of the opportunity I had this past semester to take an in-depth seminar about it, during which we read it in its entirety, and my eyes were opened ever wider to the merciful and patient love of God.

Greatest impact on your decision to enter seminary? Why?

There are a combination of people and factors… I will list off a few people: Steve and Lisa Hill (who’s organic farm I worked on in high school), Carmen Snow (with whom I played in the parish Spanish choir), Katie Gordy (the woman who introduced me to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ), and my parents without whose love I would never have believed in God’s love for me.

Favorite hour of the Divine Office?

Day Prayer is my favorite hour because it is during that time that God provides me an opportunity to rest in Him and to refocus my eyes on His eyes during a busy day.

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Oklahoma City seminarian, Tomas Sandovall prays in the chapel of the National Shrine of SaintMaximilian Kolbe located in Libertyville, IL


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