
Language, Culture & Church for International Priests

The Language, Culture & Church for International Priests (LCCIP) summer program is a three-week intensive curriculum designed to acclimate priests from other nations to life and ministry in the United States. The program achieves this objective by focusing on several areas:

  • Public speaking and language skills, with a particular focus on accent reduction, pronunciation, and American idioms.
  • American culture and the history of the Catholic Church in the U.S.
  • Work relationships in the American cultural context, for example: working with women in ministry and getting along with the diocesan presbyterate.
  • The preparation for and celebration of Sacraments in the Church in the U.S., with classes on the celebration of particular sacraments and preaching.
  • Additional areas of more personal import, such as dealing with the diversity of cultures and adaptation, and personal boundaries in relationships.

The parameters of the LCCIP program extend beyond the traditional classroom setting. All LCCIP participants celebrate Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours in common in the Seminary’s Holy Cross Oratory and also occasionally join the monastic community for liturgy. Masses and prayers are recorded so that the celebrants and prayer leaders can see themselves in action and focus on areas of improvement. Additionally, there are opportunities for group outings or events on campus in the evenings and on weekends.

Download the LCCIP Brochure (PDF) here.

If you have any questions, please contact us at (660) 944-3105 or

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