Thank you for your interest in supporting our seminarians!

We are blessed that new young men are answering the Lord’s call to discern and prepare for the priesthood.

Together we are building future Church leaders when we need them the most.

At Conception Seminary College, we strive to provide seminarians with the necessary environment and resources to grow and thrive. However, the number of seminarians in the United States has dropped these last few years, and fewer seminarians mean fewer funds to cover costs.

While we are seeing a small uptick in our enrollment this year, getting vocation numbers back up in the United States won't happen overnight or even in the next year. We are committed to this work. God is still calling young men to the priesthood, and we must help them answer that call.

Will you consider making a tax-deductible gift to our Annual Rector’s Appeal and help us form men that are ready to serve others by making a gift today?

Any gift you make will go a long way in helping us guide these young men in their journey.  

Yes! I want to support future priests at Conception Seminary College with my gift of:


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Thank you for your support! You can change your giving at any time by calling our office at (660) 944-2824 or by emailing

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