“Come” – 2/15 Lenten Reflection

Children often become empowered in their mischief by “don’t” statements. A boy who was perfectly content will be roused to disobedience if his mother shouts, “Don’t touch the cookies that I just made.” Timmy seemed so good, but now he is left disobedient and crying out for more.

In a similar fashion, the Israelites reacted in disobedience to the Mosaic Law. “Do not harm your neighbor”, they were commanded. Jesus, on the other hand, is much more concerned with inviting us to do positive things. The life of a mature disciple is not one of fear-mediated avoidance of mistakes, but rather, it is one spent in going out into the world for others.

In the Gospel today, Jesus invites us to recognize his presence in all people. If we communicate “come” to the alienated and poor, we will hear Jesus’ voice say to us, “Come, …blessed by my Father!”


Eric Koch is a junior at Conception Seminary College studying for the Archdiocese of Omaha.

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